The Search Room
Provides access to a wide range of collections and resources.

Advance booking is advisable for the use of microfilm readers. You can make a booking by email, phone, letter or while visiting us. If your proposed visit is less than 5 days ahead, please telephone rather than emailing.
Additional Information
Tyne & Wear Archives Service is a member of CARN (the County Archive Research Network). Anyone wishing to use the Archives will require a valid readers' ticket. If you don't have a CARN ticket, then please visit the Archives to get your free ticket.
Please bring a pencil for taking notes, as we ask you not to use pens while in the searchroom (even if you are using microfilm, or don't have any original documents on your desk). For security reasons, bags are not allowed in the search room, but lockers are provided (free) for secure storage of your belongings. Please read our full search room rules for further information.